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How Cold Is Too Cold For A House?

BODEK Heating
UPDATED 10/21/2021

How cold is too cold for a house? What everyday temperature is recommended? How low can you go? Of course some of this is up to your personal preference, how much you're looking to save on your heating bill, and the level of your winterization in your home. But regardless, there are some target temperatures you can aim to hit based on your circumstances. Often it just takes some getting used to...

Cold House Temperature BODEK INC.

What Temperature Is Too Cold For A House?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends indoor temperatures of at least 64°F (you can drop that down to 62°F at night if you're really looking to save on your heating bill). But if you have infants, sick or elderly people in your household, then it's recommended that you keep the thermostat set at 70°F.

Leaving for the day and the house is empty? Drop it down to 58°F. This is where a programmable or wi-fi thermostat comes in handy so that it will automatically warm back up before you get home.

What Temperature Should I Set For A Vacant House?

Leaving the house vacant for an extended period of time but worried about pipes freezing and bursting? The recommended range is 50°F-60°F. The better the winterization in your home, the lower you can go, but 50°F is the lowest you should go. To be on the safe side, 55°F-60°F is wise. Why? Because you need to remember that there are spots that are colder than others in your house. Poorly insulated attics and unheated basements need consideration. Be sure to insulate any exposed pipes. Speaking of pipes, they run through your walls which means it's colder inside the walls than in the main part of your house. The last thing you want to walk into is a burst pipe.

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